Hi there! Today I will show you how to get four more stamps! Follow the instructions below.
Clock Target stamp
1. Go to snow forts.
2. Press the snowball button.
3. Aim at the target near the clock tower and shoot.
4. Do this 9 more times. Be sure to hit it all the times.
5. Stamp earned!
183 Days stamp
1. Have fun on club penguin for half a year!
2. Stamp earned!
Going places stamp
1. Start at the mountain.
2. Walk all around club penguin without using the map. Go everywhere you know!
3. Stamp earned after you go to 30 different places!
Dance party stamp
1. Go to the nightclub in the town.
2. Dance and say "Dance for a stamp!".
3. Once someone comes, tell them to spread the news!
4. People should be coming soon to get you a stamp!
5. Once ten people dance, stamp earned! (keep going for another one which I will say later).
-fishandfries, FCPSC leader
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